Fallout 4 : 5 Minute Review
Oh Its Great, but…. So Fallout 3 was my #1 game of the last gen – i played that game to death and the time just flew by. Hence my hopes were very high for Continue Reading
Oh Its Great, but…. So Fallout 3 was my #1 game of the last gen – i played that game to death and the time just flew by. Hence my hopes were very high for Continue Reading
The Farce Is Strong With This One I’ve been one of the biggest Star Wars fanboys since the age of 8, which was a long time ago (put it this way, Return Of The Jedi Continue Reading
The Xbox One is only 2 years old and already looking in danger of becoming an irrelevance this generation. Sales are so far behind the PlayStation that not even the mega AAA Exclusive Halo 5 Continue Reading